Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April New FO


It's the end of April and time to check out my NewFO List.  I really hadn't planned on starting any new quilts this month I wanted to finish up what I was working on.  But you know how it goes, I was putting away fabric and I got side tracked, next thing you know there are squares up on the design wall

Orphan Blocks:   I picked up some blocks from the table at quilt club and started playing with them up on the wall and this is what I came up with.  Top is done and back is made.  Just waiting for my long arm appointment.

[caption id="attachment_2044" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Orphan Blocks Orphan Blocks[/caption]

Soft Flowers:  This one just sort of happen. I've got the center done. I have the border picked out and the backing set aside.

[caption id="attachment_2045" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Soft Flowers Soft Flowers[/caption]

Disappearing Four Patch:  I found a baggie of charm squares that I'd cut up at some time and thought I'd try  a disappearing four patch.  I love it and love the colors I'll be working on this quilt for sure this coming month.

[caption id="attachment_2043" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Disappearing Four Patch Disappearing Four Patch[/caption]

There's my new starts for this month.  To see more NewFO's head over to Barbara's at Cat Patches




  1. Great projects. I love the disappearing four patch. That one is on my to-do list.

  2. I really love the Disappearing Four Patch with the brights and whites! I definitely need to make one.
