Monday, December 29, 2014

Design Wall Monday Dec 29, 2014

I do so love Monday evenings when I can visit everyone's design wall and be inspired.

On the design wall are my finished blocks from the Road to Oklahoma Shop Hop.

[caption id="attachment_2889" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Road to Oklahoma Road to Oklahoma[/caption]

My sister did this shop hop that lasted for the month of June.  She went to all 25 shops.  It took every weekend and a couple of Fridays too.

She picked up a two block kits at each shop and surprised me with a set when I visited in July.  We decided we could each pick a block a month and have our own "Block of the Month" club.

Of course with my crazy busy fall season I fell behind. I only have four to do to be caught up.  I will be caught up by January 1st.  Honest!

For more design walls head over to Judy at Patchwork Times

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Stash Report Week 52, 2014

This week was spent adding and subtracting.  I admit for the past month (maybe a little longer) the fabric receipts and cutting log have piled up.  It's kinda like doing your taxes, you know you need a better shoe box system but you just want to cut into the beautiful fabric and sew it up.  So you end up like me.  Setting in front of the adding machine on Christmas Day tallying the fabric numbers and remembering all the fun you had sewing.

I'm counting out several quilts this week.  Some are in their new homes and some decided to remain at home.

Mr. Bill claimed the Black and Red Cats.  The Christmas quilt will grace the guest room next year.

[gallery ids="2873,2874,2862"]


I also get to count out  the Christmas quilts I wrote about here.

[gallery ids="2867,2864,2865"]

One nice thing about procrastinating is the out going numbers really add up. :)

Added since last report: 12 Yards
Added this Year: 152.75 Yards
Used since last report: 40.25 Yards
Used this Year: 234.75 Yards
Net Used this Year:  82.00 Yards

I'm thrilled with using 82 yards this year.  I stopped adding to the stash in September, only buying what I needed to finish a project for the last 100 days of this year.  I even made it through a vacation with out buying fabric.  Look out January!!!

I'm looking forward to more usage in 2015.  I'm joining Michelle's Challenge to make baby quilts.  My goal is twelve baby quilts next year

I'm also planning twelve Quilts Of Valor next year.

I may even finish up some of the quilts on my UFO list.

So there will be fabric used in the New Year.

This has been such a useful tool for me.  So I will continue to track my usage next year.

Thank You to Judy for having the stash report it helps keep me on track.


For more stash reports head over to Judy's at Patchwork Times.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Last Friday Finish 2014

I sure hope everyone had a nice Christmas and is ready to take on the New Year.

I really didn't just finish these quilts but they are with their new owners so I can post them now.

First up is a 25 patch Christmas quilt.  This came about after my Halloween quilt.  I wanted one for Christmas and of course I wanted it quick so I used 2.5 in strips and squares for variety..

[caption id="attachment_2862" align="aligncenter" width="296"]Christmas 2014 Christmas 2014[/caption]

I'm also in love with the back of this one too.

[caption id="attachment_2863" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Christmas 2014 Back Christmas 2014 Back[/caption]


Then quilts for two nephews.  One lives on the east coast and one in the middle of the country.  I chose sashing and borders to reflect the area they live in. I used Bonnie Hunter's Dancing Nine Patch pattern.  I added a row on one quilt for my older, taller nephew.  I like this pattern and can see using it again.

[caption id="attachment_2867" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Coastal Blue Waters Coastal Blue Waters[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2868" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Coastal Blue Waters Coastal Blue Waters[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2865" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Blue Prairie Skies Blue Prairie Skies[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2866" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Blue Prairie Skies Blue Prairie Skies[/caption]


Then for my niece I went just a tad on the wild side.

[caption id="attachment_2864" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Wild Child Wild Child[/caption]


I'm thrill with how each one turned out and hope each and every one of them will feel the love when they use them.

I'm whooping it up big time today as I spend the day cleaning up the sewing room and getting it ready for the New Year.

Linking up with Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict




Sunday, December 21, 2014

Stash Report Week 51 2014

Oh dear, it's been a while since my last stash report.  All I can say is Craft Show Season kicked big time followed by Christmas Sewing.  While I still was keeping track of my fabric there was no blogging about it.  I still have notes and receipts  to go over and more yardage to tally but here are my numbers for this week.

Added since last report: 30 Yards
Added this Year: 140.75 Yards
Used since last report: 20.50 Yards
Used this Year: 194.50 Yards
Net Used this Year 53.75 Yards

So far I'm still on the plus side.  Using more fabric than I bought this year was my goal. The truth will come out this week when I total up December's numbers.  The one thing in my favor is that there has be NO caving into the bizillon sale emails I get everyday.

For more stash reports head over to Patchwork Times.  There are some awesome numbers there.


Monday, December 15, 2014

Design Wall Monday December 15, 2014

I've finished up Christmas sewing and can get back to finishing up (or starting) projects.

I'm putting up some string QOV blocks that I'd like to get sewn up this week.

[caption id="attachment_2844" align="aligncenter" width="225"]QOV String Blocks QOV String Blocks[/caption]

DW12-15 4


These little blocks have been leaders/enders for the past year and I was playing with layouts.  Of course I like both so I'm back to making more little Nine Patches.

DW12-15 2 DW12-15 1


For more design walls head over to Judy's at Patchwork Times.