Sunday, December 21, 2014

Stash Report Week 51 2014

Oh dear, it's been a while since my last stash report.  All I can say is Craft Show Season kicked big time followed by Christmas Sewing.  While I still was keeping track of my fabric there was no blogging about it.  I still have notes and receipts  to go over and more yardage to tally but here are my numbers for this week.

Added since last report: 30 Yards
Added this Year: 140.75 Yards
Used since last report: 20.50 Yards
Used this Year: 194.50 Yards
Net Used this Year 53.75 Yards

So far I'm still on the plus side.  Using more fabric than I bought this year was my goal. The truth will come out this week when I total up December's numbers.  The one thing in my favor is that there has be NO caving into the bizillon sale emails I get everyday.

For more stash reports head over to Patchwork Times.  There are some awesome numbers there.



  1. It can be pretty hard to resist some of the online sales - Kudos on not adding any fabric this week.

    Merry Christmas

  2. Looks like great usage over a busy time, and I agree on the sales - I am trying to delete the emails without even reading them!!
