Friday, September 19, 2014

Is it Halloween Yet?

I don't know about anybody else but I'm so ready for fall and all that it brings starting with cooler weather.  It's been, shall we say toasty ok so it's be down right stinking HOT !!!  What do you do when it's to hot to do little squares together of course.  They are light and small, don't have to have them on your lap, and if you use fall fabric it could feel cooler in the sewing room. Right?

Then when the weather breaks and it's under 100 degrees you have a cute fall/halloween quilt.  See Win Win. :)

So here it is a whole bunch of 2.5 inch squares.

[caption id="attachment_2824" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Hallowenn 16 patch Hallowenn 16 patch[/caption]

I just love a scrappy quilt. With all that wonderful scrappiness happening on the front I opted for a easy back this time.

[caption id="attachment_2825" align="aligncenter" width="225"]16 patch rear view 16 patch rear view[/caption]

I am so whooping it up for this finish and linking up with Sarah at Confession of a Fabric Addict.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Stash Report Week 37, 2014

It would seem that this has turned into a monthly stash report for me.  In true Harriett fashion it's not even a end of month report but mid-month.  :)

It's suppose to be in the 100's today and I'll be working on a Christmas quilt.  Some how that just sounds wrong.  But that what September is like in Southern Calif.

I've been doing well not buying unless I need it for a project.  So my yardage in went right back out.  Love it when that happens. I have three quilts at my quilter so I can count out the tops..

Added since last report: 6 Yards
Added this Year: 110.75 Yards
Used since last report: 21.0 Yards
Used this Year:  174.0 Yards
Net Used this Year 63.25 Yards

Holding fast to being on the positive side. So if you are only interested in fabric you can stop now and head back over to Judy's for more stash reports.

So what else have I been up too:

We lucked into some old iron beds.

[caption id="attachment_2816" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Bring home the beds Bring home the beds[/caption]

and I've been sorting them

[caption id="attachment_2818" align="aligncenter" width="225"]sorting beds sorting beds[/caption]

Then there was a hutch that was just asking for a bit of paint

[caption id="attachment_2819" align="aligncenter" width="225"]painted hutch painted hutch[/caption]

Some Halloween burlap that became pillows and upholstering for a chair

[caption id="attachment_2815" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Fun Halloween Burlap Fun Halloween Burlap[/caption]

Oh can't forget a couple of quilts too.

[caption id="attachment_2820" align="aligncenter" width="225"]T-shirt quilt T-shirt quilt[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2817" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Halloween Quilt #1 Halloween Quilt #1[/caption]

Have a great week and keep sewing.