Friday, May 31, 2013

60 Days and Counting

Today I'm Whooping about my fabric closet.  My #1 Niece came to visit at the end of March during my Spring Break and besides playing tourist and eating out (alot) she folded all  a lot of my fabric (all the fabric on the shelves in the closet and then some)  and sorted it by color and some by theme.

[caption id="attachment_2107" align="aligncenter" width="300"]The sorting begins The sorting begins[/caption]

She worked on it for several days between the Zoo, Museums, and Dinner from the Food Trucks.

[caption id="attachment_2108" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Do we have enough boxes? Do we have enough boxes?[/caption]

She was amazing!  Would not let me help.  I got to just set and sew while she folded and we talked and had a great time.

[caption id="attachment_2109" align="aligncenter" width="300"]More stacks More stacks[/caption]


That was 60 days ago today and this is what it looked like this morning.  This  photo has not been retouched.  :)

[caption id="attachment_2110" align="aligncenter" width="200"]May 31, 2013 May 31, 2013[/caption]

I know, I can't believe it either.  60 days and I've kept it going.  I've used a lot of fabric out of this closet and I've put away new fabric when I brought it home and I've been making headway on a few stacks piles of fabric on the guest bed.  The really best part is that when I need fabric I'm not searching for it all over the place.  I can find it right here in my fabric closet!!

Thank You Thank You #1 Niece.

My Whoop Whoop is my neat and organized fabric closet.

Head over to Sarah's at Confessions of a Fabric Addict for more Whoops



  1. I had a blast while I was there, folding, organizing, and everything else in between!

  2. What a wonderful niece!! And good for you keeping it up.
