Sunday, July 15, 2012

Stash Report Week 29, 2012

I so happy I finely have fabric to report going out, thanks to my sister and niece .  While they were visiting we spent some quality time in the sewing room.  Jersey is just learning to sew and I think my sister Kathy is thrilled that her grand daughter want to learn to sew.  Kathy is the real seamstress in our family, you know the kind makes her own wedding dress and the dresses for the wedding party.  She is also a good teacher to her grand daughter and to me, and she started it by buying this piece of fabric.

While we were looking for some matching fabric we sort of got carried away.

For Tiffany:

For Brandon:

For Jersey:

We had great fun and helped used up some of Aunt Harriett's fabric.  They need to come back soon to help some more. :)

Here's my numbers:

  • Added this week:  0 yds

  • Added this year:  114.25 yds

  • Used this week: 10 yds

  • Used this year: 88.50 yds

  • Net used 2012: -25.75  

I'm still in the red and I getting ready to order Christmas fabric. Guess I need to spend more time in the sewing room and less time in the yards.  That could happen if the heat keeps up here.

One last photo: Jersey wanted to make a quilt out of the blankets.

For more stash reports check out Judy's Patchwork Times.



  1. What a cute picture of all the quilts together with Jersey. You did good busting some of your stash. Yes, you need to have them come back at least once a month and you would be out of the red and into the black!! Nice going.

  2. I love the fabrics chosen for the quilts! A few more of those and you'll be in the black in no time. :-)
