Sunday, May 31, 2015

Stash Report Catch Up Week 22, 2015

To state the obvious it has been awhile since my last stash report, like 13 weeks ! Yikes!

So just to get these numbers over with, cause you know I wasn't going to buy much fabric this year and now I'm over the 100 yards mark with more fabric arriving this week.  Oops.

Added since last report: 43.25 Yards
Added this Year: 102.25 Yards
Used since last report: 33.50 Yards
Used this Year: 37.00 Yards
Net Used this Year: -65.25 Yards  

As you can see I have a lot of sewing to do in order to be even at the end of the year.
There has been some sewing of pillowcases.

New fabric ready to cut into

Yep, I need to get sewing this week.

I've been working on my Summer Goal List and it looks like I need to add a couple more projects to that list and use up some fabric.  

My Summer Goal List has taken on a life of it's own and has turned into a journaling book/list.  I'm glad for that as the goal list becomes the focus of my summer, this could be a way to stay focused.  As usual this list has grown and grown.  I've broken it down in to categories, Sewing, House, Yards, Furniture, etc and still the list very long for only three months worth of time.

When looking at the calendar this morning I realized that The Summer Goal List dates will be June 1st to August 31st and it will lead right in to my last 100 days of the year goals.  So all in all it looks to be a very productive second half of the year.  

I'll share my sewing goals and other goals too later this week.

1 comment:

  1. I do a 100 days of Summer project every year. Keeps me motivated.
