It was close this month but not for lack of planning like last month. I caught a cold this month and it took me out for a good four days. That fourth day I was feeling so much better but didn't dare sit down and sew because I knew I'd be ripping more than sewing. Know what I mean?
I'd been so on track with my goal and was only down to a few (four) more seams and thought I'd be writing and epic fail post. Then on Friday I was feeling better and Saturday found me back in the sewing room to finish up the center of this darling Disappearing Four Patch.
So Saturday afternoon I was able to snap these photos of the finished center of this quilt.
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Love the way it looks like stained glass in the sun light.
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As I was finishing up and pressing the last seams I again had that self talk about why I set goals. With wimpy self asking why I do this to myself. It's kind of like when you're doing a marathon and around mile 21-23 you're asking the same thing. Who's ideal was this? Just what am I trying to prove and to who? This is it, I'm not doing this again EVER!
Then as you sew that last seam and press it you admit that with out the goal you would still have a UFO hanging around. Sort of like at mile 25 you start thinking I could do another marathon, I got through this one and here's what I'll do different next time around, and you're thinking about what marathon to sign up for next. Yes I've already picked out next month's UFO.
So there it is. Goal completed. Would not have happened with out Shanna and Melissa helping me set goals and keeping me accountable. THANK YOU to both of you, it's like have a coach to bring out the best in us.
Linking up with LYOF Link Party.