You know how I've been trying to use up my flannel? Well it's like this. The flannel was acquired over time and mostly at big sales, so it's a bit of a jumble and I knew going in that there would most likely almost certainly be times when I would have to pick up a bit to finish off a quilt. This was one of those weeks. I really really truly walked into the store just to get 1 yard of grey was on sale and I know I need some white for the next quilt. OK so far no problem. Then I had to wait for my turn at the cut table...What should my wandering eye find but a new fabric that will border the disappearing four patch, which just happens to be my UFO of the month. So three and one half yards later it was over. I could go home and cut into that grey and this week it can get sewn on. Whew, that was a close one, I'm sure if the line was longer the yardage would have gone up.
Lucky me I also had a bit of yardage going out. I took some fabric to quilt club to share and I made QOV blocks for Kevin the Quilter's block drive.
[caption id="attachment_2568" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
This a real easy block to make as long a I was paying attention, ask me why so many have a navy blue stripe. :0 Go check it out there are prizes.
- Added this Week: 3.50 yards
- Added this Year: 61.25 yards
- Used this Week : 4.50 yards
- Used this Year: 55.25 yards
- Net Used this Year -6.00 yards
I'm linking up with Judy at Patchwork times. Check out how others are using their stash.
I know the feeling about lines!