Sunday, December 22, 2013

Stash Report Week 51, 2013

I'm celebrating making my goal of less than 150 yards stashed this year.  Even with the few yards that were brought in this week I've made my goal.  It was really close with all the year end sales coming to my inbox and I even did some window shopping on a few web sites but I stayed strong.

I finished the John Deere Quilt and it's a the quilters so I can count it out and that  and a little Christmas sewing is what set me over my goal.

[caption id="attachment_2397" align="aligncenter" width="300"]John Deere Quilt Top John Deere Quilt Top[/caption]

Here are the numbers:

  • Added This Week:  3 yards

  • Added This Year:   416.50 yards

  • Used  This Week:  11.5 yards 

  • Used This Year:  270.25 yards

  • Net 2012 -146.25 yards   

One more week and I will have a little more yardage used.  I'm thrilled with my usage this year and love all the fabric added to the stash, I'll start using it on New Years Day.

I'm linking up with Judy at Patchwork Times. Check it out to see more stash reports.


  1. Great numbers, it is such a great feeling when we meet the quilting goals we make. Merry Christmas.

  2. Congrats on your usage for the year!

  3. So glad you reached your usage goals for the year (2013). I really like your John Deere quilt too. The recipient will love it! Merry Christmas.
