It's that time of year again when Barbara over at Cat Patches encourages us to be creative. Just when you are feeling all burnt out from the Christmas crunch of finishing up projects and in danger of getting that let down feeling of no projects lined up waiting. Barbara bless her heart asks. So what do you want to do in 2014?
There's no pressure, just creative ideals flowing. Here's the best part, well for me anyway..nothing is set in stone. For example look at my list from last year that has been hanging on my wall for a WHOLE year.
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Do you see anything crossed off? Nope, Nada, Zip, and you know what? I'm totally OK with that cause I did get lots done and lots of quilts made just not these ones. Only one quilt on the list is moving on to the 2014 list cause I'm just not interested in doing the others now. The fabric that was pulled for those quilts is put back in the stash and will find it's way into another quilt this year.
Short list this year.
1. Christmas Fairies, it is the one I'm moving forward from last year. This one still has my interest, I still want to do this one.
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2. Zen Quilt: by Kimberly Rado, using her Graffetti line of fabric.
3. Woodland Fairies: These blocks have been on my mind a lot so I think it's time to make the quilt.
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That's my list for 2014. I learned from last year not to plan to much because I seem to be an in-the-moment-start-a-quilt kind of girl.
Want to thank Barbara again for inspiring us to create.
Linking up with Cat Patches NewFo 2014
What gorgeous fabrics. It looks like fun!