I decided on a border color and all the charms were cut. Saturday late afternoon I was able to start on the last 13 rows and finished them up by Sunday afternoon. I now have 37 rows of 27 mini tumbler charms. Now I need to sew a grey tumbler on each end of each row and then sew two rows of grey for the top and bottom border.
[caption id="attachment_2244" align="aligncenter" width="225"]
Of course this is the week that the both sewing machines have appointments at the sewing machine spa. I've so very lucky that my new sewing machine shop makes appointments so I don't have the two to three week wait time that I use to have. I plan to use the down time this week to clean up the sewing room that looks like a fabric tornado came through.
[caption id="attachment_2243" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
I'll need to go through the closet for a backing and then I'm thinking about how I want to quilt it. Did I mention that it has to be done, as in completely done by Sept 5th. Yikes and no machine time until Friday or Saturday.
I'm linking up with Judy at Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday,
I love all the bright colors of your tumblers. Can't wait to see it finished.