We finished up her QOV top (borders came from the stash)
[caption id="attachment_2156" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
and then some pillowcases(just the cuffs from the stash) for the quilts that are all done except for the label.
[caption id="attachment_2157" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
I also sent some fabric home with her, out is out right?
- Added last week: 1.5 yards
- Added this year: 308.0 yards
- Used last week: 8.5 yards
- Used this year: 172.5 yards
- Net 2012 -136.5 yards
Last week Judy talked about keeping up with keeping track. This is the second official year that I've been doing this. Before that I'd started in the middle of the year and just kept track in my note book. This is my second year of recording it on my blog which makes much easier to go back and compare my numbers, cause I don't have a clue where that notebook for 2011 is hiding.
Now I have to explain that I love numbers. Math I'm not so wild about but numbers now that gets me going. Numbers are just full of information. They tell you where you are, where you've been and they can tell you where you can go. Love them!
Week 27, 2012, I had only stashed 35.75 yards this year I've stashed 136.5 yards. Somehow this year I've stashed 100.75 more yards than at this time last year. Yep this is the year I was going to stay in the black and really put a dent in the fabric closet. (OK Kathy pull yourself together and stop laughing). But this is where numbers come in ...are you ready?
There are 25 weeks left in this year. All I have to do is use 5.5 yards a week and I'll break even at the end of the year. If I use 6 yards a week I'll not only break even but I'll have used an extra 13.5 yards. Doesn't that sound wonderful ? Heck all I have to do is finish up some UFO's that are setting here staring at me and I can meet that goal and surpass it. Now of course there is a catch, there's always a catch right? you guessed it didn't you. No bringing in fabric. Ok Harriett back away from the checkout button. :) Like that's going to happen.
For more stash reports I'm linking up with Judy at Patchwork Times.
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