It's Monday again, I know it's over stated but Mondays really do come around fast. I've been busy outside of the sewing room a lot lately but I did manage to finish up the apple quilt and it's at the quilter. So I pulled out my summer UFO. My quilt club breaks for the summer but at the last meeting in June we can challenge ourselves to finish a UFO over the summer. So I jumped in.
My choice was my mini tumbler charm quilt. This is a charm quilt in the traditional way with 999 different fabrics with no repeats. First I set some
rules guide lines. 1.No Christmas fabric and no Halloween fabric. I mean that would make it to easy cause I have tons of Christmas and Halloween. 2. The border fabric does not count in the 999 fabrics. Other than that every thing was fair game. I've worked on this quilt off and on for a couple of years. I put fabric pieces aside that I think I haven't used and then I'd pull out the cutter and the rows and double check the fabric before cutting. The last time I worked on it was last year but put it away with many tumblers cut but still needing more.
The quilt is due September 5th at our first meeting or there is a $20.00 ransom, so I guess it was about time I pulled it out again.
The rows are pinned on the design wall so I can double, and triple check the fabrics.

The tumblers I have cut are on my new design boards so I can check against those too

Here are my stats to date:
Need 37 rows of 27 charms to complete the quilt
Have 24 Rows Need 13 more rows
Need 351 charms - Have 232 cut - Need 119 more charms--
Time to dive in to the stash closet.
For more design walls head over to
Patchwork Times
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