It all started when he who will remain nameless brought home a cold and shared with me. When I was not feeling so great but feeling restless I headed up to the sewing room. Just sort of wandering and I opened my 1.5 inch square drawer and sat down at the machine.
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First I started with similar squares paired with white squares.
I wasn't really thrilled that look so I pulled out sets of five and started making darling little 9 patches. Oh I'm so loving my little 9 patches that are going to finish at 3 inches.
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Now when I finish with a fabric or when I'm sorting scraps I cutting 1.5 inch sets of five. I raided the pantry for the little paper plates and I keep the sets next to my machine and sew some as leader/enders and sometimes for 10 mins or so in the morning before I start my day.
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I have 23 of these little beauties so far and I don't know how many I'll make but I'll just keep making them for a while and see what I end up with.
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This could become a long term UFO.
I'm linking up with Barbara at Cat Patches with my July NewFo.