There was some painting. I changed color in mid painting of the chairs and this is the vintage fabric I'm using on the seats.
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We welcomed a new old sewing machine to the fold. She came with her own cabinet. A singer 201
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We did some cleaning out, yes this part of the house still has original 1960's avocado green carpet. This is not the permanent home for the new machine.
I started in on the guest room. Can you believe there were still Halloween and Christmas pillowcases and table runners on the bed from last fall. It's no wonder we don't get many guest. I think they're afraid they'll have to sleep on the floor for all the fabric on the bed. Not really Sister, you can come anytime.
Mr Bill took apart an old pump organ. Before you feel too bad it was in really bad shape and we saved the good pieces and carved pieces to repurpose.
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Tuesday was QOV sew day. We were making string blocks ala Al Lind. I have a
This summer I'm trying to get the sewing room back in order and get all the donated scraps under control. Some times I have a hard time cutting up the larger scraps, cause wonder if I need a 4 inch block and I cut it all down to 2.5 in. Really sometimes I can drive myself crazy. Well not this summer it's all getting cut down to usable sizes and this fall I'll have a empty "scraps to cut down" bin (or two).
So with that in mind I'm cutting 2.5 in and 1.5 in squares in sets of five. The 2.5 in for a plus quilt that I'm starting in the fall, as of this morning I only need 100 more sets, no matching sets for this one. The 1.5in is for nine patch blocks I started last July as my leader/ender and I'm ready to finish it up too....But I need lots more for the layout I'm thinking so it has moved from leader/ender to summer project.
[caption id="attachment_2751" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Then there is the 2in quilt. The one I was going to make one block a day quilt. Well I'm only 13 days behind. I'm thinking Wednesday night will be 2in nine patch marathon so I can get a few days ahead. I wrote about it here.
[caption id="attachment_2752" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
So that is how Week 2 went. Not so exciting yet but there's always hope.
Till next week.
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