I worked in the yards: It really doesn't take much to fill up all the trash cans around here. :)
My cutting table went from this:
[caption id="attachment_2768" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
To this on Monday, and really you can still see the surface today too.
[caption id="attachment_2769" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
I tackled my "Mountain of Flannel" now it is mostly contained in these bins.
[caption id="attachment_2761" align="aligncenter" width="225"]
I finished up my String Star Centers and even trimmed up several to start my star block. Yes I was doing it at the kitchen counter and yes I grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard above for the scraps. :)
[gallery ids="2774,2772"]
Also finished up some furniture. How about this lovely little shin warmer chair. Is she cute or what. While I was on the furniture roll I finished up this little storage footstool too.
[gallery ids="2779,2778,2775,2777,2776"]
I received some 2" charms from Deanna at Wedding Dress Blue for my 2-inch quilt which is her pattern Growing up Odd. Still totally in love with this pattern and can't wait until fall when I have it all together. I've fallen behind on my one block a day goal but made up many when I received her charms. I just had to use them right away. Of course
[gallery ids="2770,2773"]
I'm cutting squares and sewing blocks as I work through my scrap bins
Here is my block count for my three summer projects
3" 9-Patches : Have 247 Need about 400 I think
2" Quilt: Have: 54 Need 17 to be caught up to July 1st
2.5" Plus quilt: Have 184 sets of 5 cut Need 97 more sets for a total of 281
2.5" Plus quilt: Have 10 sets of 4 cut. Need 21 more sets for a total of 31