Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Change, Changing, Changed

I've been thinking about change lately, in fact I've been thinking about it a lot.

I know that some people don't like change. Heck I myself have been know to balk, resist, avoid, rail, ignore, or down right refuse change.  I find as I'm getting older for the most part I welcome change.  I read a quote from Martha Stewart that says" When you're through changing you're through".  That has been stuck in my mind going round and round along with something my friend says "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result". While I'm not on the verge of insanity (I think) I'm not satisfied with what I'm get and not getting done.

My goals have gotten muddied and I think it's time to change things and head into another direction to accomplish what I want to do this summer.  I think this mostly means changing my focus.  The interesting part about this change at this time is it seems to be across the board in my classes, quilting, yards, house, well just everything.

I've one class left and two quilt club meetings before summer break and I'll spend that time getting ready for "My Summer Of Change". What can I hope to change and get done in three months (two of which are very hot)? I hope I can get a lot done, I'll be writing about it here.  Some things will just be small changes while others are big major changes.

Now that I've written this down and read it for myself this change is sounding very exciting. With two weeks to clear out projects and make way for change, I can't wait to get started.


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