My good news today just happen this morning. I'd been thinking of something else I wanted to write about and to be truthful I did not see the good news here when I went to bed last night.
Here's what happen (don't you just love it when they say that in a mystery novel). I came home from my upholstery class last night and put a load of wash in the the machine then went upstairs to sew binding on a quilt. Finished that about 9pm, back downstairs to put said load in dryer. Set timer so I don't forget them in the dryer over night. OK Mr. Bill comes home from his meeting we chat and the timer goes off and I go out but the clothes are not dry. OK I start dryer again and set timer. By 10:30 I'm finally ready to admit that there could be a problem with the dryer.
Out comes the manual (yes we keep the manuals) read the troubleshooting list. yep yep yep. Mr Bill says he'll pull out the dryer and check it in the morning. On the manual I'd written the date February 2012. Yes one year one month, out of warranty ?
This morning while Mr. Bill is pulling out the dryer I'm going through last years records for the receipt and YAY it says three year warranty. I call the store where we bought the dryer (a family business that we've dealt with for years). They are more than helpful and the repair man is coming tomorrow.
Ok here was the good I found: Three year warranty. We had to call someone that we've known and did business with for years and we got to connect again and catch up with them and the family. Sometimes we get wrapped up in the day to day and while we think about and wonder how someone is doing it's rare that we pick up the phone or stop by to find out how they are. It was very good today to talk with old friends
I'm linking up with Judy to share my good news
Yea for warranties!!!! we had that happen with a computer. It went out with 12 days left!!