It's time once again to report on my Get It Done List.
My February List:
1. Trace five blocks for Snowman Quilt.
NOPE 2. Trace blocks for Route 66 Quilt.
OOPS DIDN'T DO THAT EITHER 3. Make light table for tracing the above blocks.
YES !! I GOT SOMETHING DONE 4. Easter Quilt.
HAVE TO SEW ON THE BINDING, SO I GUESS THAT'S A NO. 5. Also work on finishing up the January List.
The one goal that I did get done was making a light table for tracing the blocks for my embroidery projects.
I have big windows in my house but they are all small paned so I wanted it to be easier to trace my blocks. I knew I had this large piece of glass I found when cleaning out a closet. Mr. Bill cut the 2x4's and glued them together and we went to Home Depot and picked up the under counter light. Now I have a light table!!
[caption id="attachment_1883" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

custom light table[/caption]
Easter quilts, Well it's like this .. I made two small Easter quilts. One I have to bind and it will be done by this weekend and the second one is half quilted. It was the first quilt I put on and there was a tension problem so I'm unquilting a couple of rows.
[caption id="attachment_1884" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

Easter quilt on long arm[/caption]
Sometimes I think that I'm making a Don't Get It Done List. It seems that what I put on the list gets pushed aside for other projects. So with that in mind I made along with the fact that we are having guest at the end of the month, I thought and thought about my March List.
March Get It Done List
1. Quilt of Valor, finish
2. Trace Blocks
3. Finish quilting Easter quilt
4. Label and mail three QOV setting in my office.
This is my March list. Maybe this will be the month I GET IT DONE.
I'm linking up with Judy at
Patchwork Times for Get it Done