Warning: This is a long post with lots of links and a few photos.
Hi my name is Harriett and I love lists. This is a love that goes back to childhood. I remember making list during summer vacation, I didn't want to miss out, forget to do, or skip anything during those precious summer months. Then there is that wonderful feeling of a completed list. Don't you just love checking off the last thing on the list.
Last year I made a Birthday List 54 Before 55.
I first read about a birthday list on A Beautiful Mess
here and
here. I've been inspired by Elsie Larson for many years now. First when her work appeared in scrapbook magazines and then when she wrote her own book. I've had her blog bookmark from the beginning. She is a high energy creative spirit that never fails to inspire me. When I read about her birthday list I thought that I would give it at try.
Here is the results of that attempt.
First I have to tell you that it's not easy to think of 54 things to do in a year if I wanted some of them to be obtainable. In fact even though I started my list in August I only got to 52 before my birthday and so that is where it stopped. I was resorting to things like sorting my fabric and scraps. :)
This is what got checked off.
Guest Room - I'm really glad this one got done I'm so happy with it.
Make Harley t-shirt Quilt. - I finished the top in July, just back from quilter and I'm hand stitching down my binding now.

Accucut - I bought myself the Accucut Go and I'm loving it.
Make a Quilt of Valor. I've made two - Need to get them sent to
Move office. This one gets two checks. I moved the office to the room I'd planned for it and wouldn't you know it I couldn't get internet there so it was moved back to the original room ( sometimes I just shake my head and move on)

Empty Storage Garage. This was a biggie for me. Paying rent to store stuff for 10 years, really. It's empty and we only kept half the stuff that was in it. (I should probably sort out some more of that stuff too)
Learn more about using new sewing machine. I did ok here. I must admit that I do what I know how and have a hard time setting down to just practice new stuff.
Start Blog. I'm glad I jumped in and did this. I still have so much to learn about blogging and pictures and the internet. Blogging has helped me keep on track this year.
Sunday Stash Report, Design Wall Monday, Try it Tuesday,
WIP Wednesday,
Foto Finish while I might not link up every week they help keep me foucsed and to be more aware of what is happening in my life. Thank you Ladies!!!
Clean out main floor. This gets a half of a check. We are redoing alot in our home. We bought the house and contents from the family trust. My Mother-in-law never got rid of ANYTHING and it was added to during the years the house was in the trust (yes some is ours). We've made great progress and are moving forward every day.
Go to the Zoo. We have the world famous San Diego Zoo in our backyard and we use to go all the time. It's been about 3 or 4 years since we'd been but we made it this past July when family came to visit.
Make fall display for porch. Done and will do again this year

Sort and organize my fabric scraps. Stop laughing!! It gets a half check because I'm getting better thank you very much
Bonnie Hunter.Well 12 out of 52. I'm happy with what I did get done. I'm not upset at all about not doing everything on the list. The point of this list was to make the effort and acknowledge things that I wanted to do. Some things on the list were a long shot at best like cleaning of the dining room table and keeping it clean ( I have a table problem ok) I'm keeping the list and just maybe some more things will get checked off this year???
My life is a work in progress always changing always reaching. I want to see and do so many things. All of the blogs that were linked to in this post inspire me everyday from sewing to just living I want to take each day and make it count.
I'm linking this work in progress to WIP at
Freshly PiecedFor my Birthday I'm having my very first give away. If you've read all the way to the end you deserve a reward. I'm going to find some fabulous fat quarters from my stash to gift someone. Just leave a comment and on Saturday night Mr. Bill with draw the lucky name.