Then it was time to move on to the sewing room. The weather was a little cooler today and with three fans going I was able to get some sewing done. I finished the Counting Bears top. I got the back done (ironed) and the batting cut and it's all ready to go with me on Monday to be quilted. I so excited to do some of my own quilting.
I also got the binding machined sewn on the disappearing nine patch, I'll start doing the hand sewing this morning while I wait for Mr. Bill at the dentist. I trimmed up my Sweet Treat quilt just back from the quilt and got the binding made. I would have sewn it on the quilt but I was distracted by this beautiful sunset.
Then I came down stairs to have some dinner at 8pm. A little bit of chili and left over chips from El Indio was yummy good. I know I should eat earlier but that just cuts in to my sewing time.
Yesterday I also realized that the comments had been turned off. In July the spammers had found my blog. I know, my little ole blog. I have less than 100 post. I'm leaning as I go. I don't even know how to count visitors or add buttons and the spammers found me? Well comments are back on I hope. Now if I could figure out what wordpress password I need to comment on blogger blogs I'd be a happy camper. :)
I do like days when I feel productive.
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