There was nothing on my design wall until this afternoon when I pulled out my July UFO. I know that sounds like I've been working on one UFO a month...But that's not true. Back in December when everyone was making their UFO list, my sewing room was in shambles and I couldn't remember all my UFO's let alone find them. I have a July UFO because back in April right around tax time I came across my charm quilt and when looking at my calendar July looked like the soonest I was going to get to it.
I started this when I was taking a class and was able to use a Accu-Cut. The class ended and never started up again and here I was with baby tumblers, but only about half the the 999 I needed for a charm quilt. When I bought my Go cutter one of the first dies I bought was the baby tumbler. Now I've cut out bunches more and I have my completed rows hanging on the design wall so I don't duplicate any charms. I have a stack of fabric that I've been saving (I think they're all non-repeats) to cut and sew as I go to get it done and off the list.
There is a lot of back and forth and double checking.
To see more design wall head over to Patchwork Times.
I love your charm quilt. It is so hard to make sure there are no repeats, but it is worth it to know each block is unique