I have one of those office supply desk pad calendars, the kind that tells you how many days are gone this year and how many are left. Well today it is even steven. 183/183. Amazing how I use to think it was just the summer that flew by, now it's the whole year moving at warp speed.
Have I finished everything I wanted to by this time? No
Have I made some progress? Yes
Have I made a new list for the rest of the year? Of course
The good news is I had a couple of finishes so I can finely after weeks and weeks count some fabric out. :)
I finished my Sweet Treat and it's at the quilter and some pillowcases for 4th of July.

- Added this week: 0 yds
- Added this year: 114.25 yds
- Used this week: 12.75 yds
- Used this year: 78.50
- Net used 2012: -35.75
This is the first year that I've attempted to keep track of my fabric in and out. I didn't set any limits or goals because I had no ideal what to expect. It is harder to keep track of fabric used than I had realized. I don't always remember to measure before I cut and then I have to do math!
While I did really great in June not buying any fabric, the Christmas fabric is out and some of it is calling my name.
To check out other stash reports head over to
Patchwork Times