Monday, May 21, 2012

Design Wall Monday May 21,2012

Up on my wall this Monday is the center of my Sweet Treat.  After a Sunday drive and finding a barn sale (yes I bought stuff) I spent a few hours in the evening sewing my rows and sashing together. Now it will join the QOV quilt on the table for boarders.


As I left the sewing room this morning after snapping this photo I shut the door because I know it will be several days before I get back in there.  We have company coming later this week so I do need to clean up some.

To see more design walls head over to Patchwork Times.


  1. Your top turned out very nicely. Hope you have a fun visit with company. Are you going to share what great treasures you found at the barn sale?

  2. I really love the white sashing and the scrappy cornerstones. It makes for a very pretty quilt. I love it!

  3. Love your Sweet Treats - the colors are great!!
