There's not much to report this week. I'm close to a finish on a few quilts and I'll count the fabric out then. I did bring home some fabric from Quilt Club this week. I picked these up because I realized that I don't have a lot of neutrals. When I opened them up when I got home it roughly added up to 3yards.
I also cleaned out a drawer or two and have a BIG BAG to take back to Quilt Club this week. It added up to 6.25 yds. Yea Me!! I'm counting it out in this report because it's already in the car and out of my room.
Added this Week: 3 yds
Added this Year: 34 yds
Used this Week: 6.25 yds (donated)
Used this Year: 35.50
Net used this Year: 1.50 yds
I'm looking forward to a big used number for next week when I add up all the fabric for my two quilts that are at my quilter.
For more stash reports head over to Patchwork Times
Trading fabric is a great way to freshen your stash especially when you bring more than you take.