Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Returning to Paper with a New Project

For sometime I've been thinking about paper. Every time I walk past the scrapbooking room on the way to the sewing room I've felt the tug. Yes I'm lucky enough to have room for both hobbies.

I've missed printing out my photos and making albums. They don't have to be fancy I just want to see my photos. I've also missed making cards.  So when I needed a wedding card I went looking at the store and just couldn't do it when I knew I could make one.  But of course I just kept putting it off because of the state of my scrapbook room.  It has become a catch-all.

Last week I was reading quilting  blogs on my ipad.  I have lots of them bookmarked but don't read them everyday.  So as I was going through them I came across "a simple life quilts" and she too had been feeling the paper pull and blogged about her Fauxbonichi.  I followed the links she put in her post. I've watched this video several times, and next thing I knew I was in the scrapbook room making space on my table to make a wedding card and planing my own fauxbonichi.

I have to say that I'm very excited about this project.  What I have notice is that even though I've tried to keep track what I do with my days this has really made me pay attention and to make better notes.  I'm making better notes about my days and my quilts.  win-win.  :-)

I did set a few ground guide lines as I set about cleaning up the room.  If it doesn't belong in the room, it leaves.  If I don't love it anymore it's ok to pass it on or just toss.  Then as I was cleaning off the table to work I put all the scraps and such in a box and that is what I'm starting with.  Just working out of the scrap box, sort of like making a quilt.

So far I've only cleared a place to work and move a couple of the bigger items out (dresser, train sets). I want to take the time to really go through things and keep what is meaningful.

Oh yeah the other thing is no buying.  I bought a journal for the fauxbonichi, two rolls of washi tape (it wasn't around when I was scrapbooking) and a fresh glue stick (all of mine were dried up).  I won't need anything else for a very long time, or at least for the summer.

I'm looking forward to a very creative summer with paper and fabric.

Monday, June 1, 2015

What I'm Working on Monday June 1, 2012

Well here we are June 1st. I still get that giddy summer vacation feeling this time of year even though I've been out of school for a very long time.  You just feel like you can get so much more done in the summer time.  Is that why I load up on projects? or maybe to get them done before starting on Christmas projects.  Yikes! did I just say that??

Here's what I better be working on this week:

R/W/B Sliced layer cake.  Yes this one is still waiting for the sashing to be sewn.

Loving these crumb blocks that are part of a little sewing project for myself (I'll show when done, no matter how it turns out)

Growing up odd : Finally getting the blocks out of the box and sewn together. This one is on my summer goal list.  Oh that little tree there, it reminds me as I'm walking out of the sewing room that the iron is still on.  It's been there since I pulled it out of the attic last December and was testing the lights. Maybe I'll start putting sewing ornaments on it, or not. :)

Sunbonnet Sue baby quilt: This one is really at the top of the working order because it's a commission quilt and the grand baby is due this month. There really are some blocks that are in good shape and those will become a new quilt for new baby.

This fabulous vintage airplane fabric I bought with the intention of making pillowcases but now I'm thinking of a quilt. I guess no matter the size of the current list I have to have one in the planning stages too.

I think this is quite enough for this week.  Linking up to Patchwork Times and Love Laugh Quilt