I was so excited yesterday to get the next instruction for the
jelly roll sew-a-long. I had the whole day planned.
It was suppose to go like this: Breakfast-cleanup kitchen-water pumpkins-plant naked lady bulbs-finish upstairs kitchen-be done with all this by noon. Then I would go see someone about a memory quilt and then I would come home and start step two of the sew-a-long.
Here's how the day went: Breakfast- clean up kitchen-sweep floor-might as well mop it too oh yeah and the bathroom right off the kitchen too. Then Mr. Bill says you want to go preview an auction? OK . Water the pumpkins and sunflowers, plant the naked ladies, water them too, while Mr. Bill takes a set of rims in to get tires put on them (he'll put them on my car this weekend.) Then I start on the upstairs until he gets back. Change clothes. Go preview auction. It's an online auction. Come back home and register. Go see lady about memory quilt. Come back home I'm approved to bid on line. Place my bids. Back to work on the upstairs. WOW it's 6:30 and I haven't even started dinner.
We finely eat dinner a little after 7pm. I never did make it into the sewing room yesterday. So I'll just try again today! Mr. Bill has a meeting tonight so I don't have to make dinner so there's an hour right there. :)
[caption id="attachment_2133" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

New pumpkin plants[/caption]
Now I'm off to water pumpkins and try again! Happy Thursday!